No kidding. When you have lived through whatever trauma or accident gave you TBI
your life was profoundly changed. It is now changed, inside and out. You know the often dazed experience (maybe vestibular-vertigo or dizzy-vision, like me and lack of mental focus). You've had this condition for some time now and despite very good medical care it hasn't magically cleared up.
Here's what I have to offer:
I share your condition. I know this place of disability from the inside. I too have TBI and that's not going away. There is something incredibly valuable that I've learned for the quality of my own life and I am doing my best to share it with you. Here is what I've learned since my TBI: mindfulness practice.
This is a practical skill which I'm going to teach you in this introductory seminar and with guided meditation today. There will be six following classes so we can learn from each other how it's going and actually get back on the bike when we fall - we'll learn the skill then decide individually if you care to adopt this practice. I want each of you to have the clear experience of peaceful and focused awareness which can be the direct result of this practice, then decide. Of course the specific results will be different for each of you - this practice brings you present and face to face with your life, not someone else's. So you won't decide based on concepts, rather on what you see directly in your own experience.
The source of value here is the natural inner core of well being that I know each of you has. Perhaps this core is clouded by real damages that have happened. The core of Well Being is like gold to be found when you sit mindfully and quietly become present to the present moment of NOW, for yourself. It may first show up in your bodily experience. This is a simple practice you can make a habit - with pleasant results for your self.