Mindfulness 101 c/o BIRRDsong, March/April Classes at Good SamPlease consider this invitation and reply to me if you intend to attend so I can have enough refreshments and printed resources.Attached is my 'Source Document'.My teaching now arises out of my own experience and isn't affiliated with these groups.see me) and continue practice at two groups here in Portland: PIMC and PFOD.have heard of Jack Kornfield (he is actually leading a retreat at Lewis & Clarke this Spring,I have practiced sitting meditation for 25 years now. I started w/ a teacher many of youMany of you have expressed interest in learning the basic skills of mindfulnessin meditation, and extending that out to your entire life - not just in silent sitting.
Class on Weds. march 6, 2013 at 6:30 in LegacyGood Samaritan Hospital in the Wistar Morris Room (ask reception/Main Entrance) Refreshments served! Bring yourself!
HadRSVP,Pardon any double mailings. My purpose and intended result is simplicity and peace of mindfulness.