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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2014 Gold Mind Meditation Project,
Announcement for Classes :
Weds. Evenings (6 of 'em), 6:30 - 8:00PM
January 22 - February 26
Room 102, Wilcox Building at NW22nd & Marshall, Portland
Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital, Free Parking, Bus access
see Calendar

My name is Had Walmer, In six classes you will learn to do this practical mindfulness meditation which I have studied and practiced for over 25 years.
You are free to believe whatever you believe as well as continuing any patterns of unworkability, though you may now become aware of how they first arose and persist or let them go. You will learn to quiet the mind, focussing on things as they are in the present moment and from that place you will find greater satisfaction as well as actually, consciously choosing a life you love.

Mindfulness meditation stimulates the brain to grow new, more integrated circuits ~ which may be at the heart of our well-being, including emotional balance and resilience, enhanced relationships and friendships, and greater empathy and connectedness. When you wake up to the present moment, suffering is transformed, you are free.

Mission of GMMP is to provide sustainable inner peace and bright awareness for survivors of TBI or other trauma, using mindfulness and meditation practice.