We are becoming aware that there is no time to waste and that this IS our one precious life which is worth living like our life depends on it now.
It does.
We can initiate conversations fulfilling our core goals and commitments. This is important - and it questions if our live's actions fulfill or wander away from what we value? Are we living on purpose? Please note, a meditation practice is only partially 'magic', you must intentionally work hard and focus on the actual practice regularly. Short of that effort it will be like any other lame or facetious effort! I mean it!
I got a serious traumatic brain injury (TBI) over two decades ago. Many millions worldwide share this condition. I've found peace and equanimity (and much else) through my mindfulness and meditation practice. In 2010 I realized that I've got something worth devoting my life to for the TBI community - teaching mindfulness to others suffering similarly.
I call it "Gold Mind Meditation Project", started in 2010. The project is to bring present for sufferers of TBI the benefits of MINDFULNESS.
One form this takes is classes I teach at Legacy Good Sam. Hospital in Portland, OR via BIRRDsong.org, a local TBI support group
I look forward and welcome any comments on how y'all think I could expand this to reach every member of the TBI (and other traumas) COMMUNITY. It grows by millions every year.